Multiple Identities

Over the past few years, I have been dealing with the struggle of figuring out who I am, how I fit in with the rest of society.  I can never connect with one specific identity; I can be multiple different people throughout the week, hell, throughout the day.  I know that I am not alone in feeling this way, and my intention behind this series is to use it as a learning experience for myself and others who may struggle with these same issues.  I want my viewers to know that it is okay to be unsure of who they are.

This series gives viewers a candid peek into the many different identities that make up myself, with each photograph showcasing a specific identity.  My intentions are to have these images read out as if my life is being broadcasted like the Truman Show.  I want to show everyone the different parts of me that make me who I am in an attempt for people to get to know me better.  I have always worried about how others view me and how they think of me, and this series has given me the opportunity to put myself out there and conquer those worries, allowing me to express myself in a way that I haven’t been able to before.  But I ask you this; why do we allow other people’s perceptions of who we are affect us to the point where we can’t be our true selves?